"Fat Cat" Far Trader

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"Fat Cat" Far Trader
Author David Blalock
Publisher D.B. Game Design
Version Traveller 5th, Mongoose Traveller
Format Book (PDF)
Language English
Pages 32
Year Published 2014
Canonical No
Available from DriveThru RPG
Also See Fat Cat class Far Trader

"Fat Cat" Far Trader is a D.B. Game Design ship source book designed for Traveller 5th and Mongoose Traveller Editions.

The 'Fat Cat' is a far trader - jump 2, maneuver 2, 300 tons. Its a courier, merchant, charter transport, company jet... smuggler of course...

Built by the Trillium Industrial Group, the TPT-133 logistics transport is a common sight in the Versis Principalities. Their stylish, functional, lines combined with the outstanding quality and craftsmanship displayed in their constriction, makes them popular throughout Foreven and the surrounding sectors, even after decades of service.

Learn more about this versatile starship: whether you're looking for a well-used work horse for your merchant crew, or a brand new hull with customized equipment and interiors to be a corporate executive's plaything; the Fat Cat is the ship you've been waiting for. Equiped with eight double staterooms and capable of carrying a hundred tons of cargo in its yard configuration, the Fat Cat also boasts three hardpoints, a 4-ton orbital craft, and a bridge that is (almost controversially) luxurious.

Inside, you'll find full technical and game play specs, along with detailed deckplans, background information, and amazing illustrations. It was the support of players like you that sent this book to the printers, and the helped earn us the distinction of being the first starship supplement licensed for use with Marc Miller's Traveller 5th.


David Blalock, Adrian Testa-Avila
Adrian Testa-Avila

Table of Contents[edit]

"Fat Cat" Far Trader
Section Page/s

Library Data Entries (Public)[edit]

  1. Far Trader
  2. Fat Cat class Far Trader

External Link/s[edit]

  1. Kickstarter project to produce a print version of the book.
This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Mongoose Publishing or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.